Just like Porsche, which along with the ledgendary line of sportscars, promotes Porsche-design shoes, phones, pens and eyewear, we thought we needed a little diversification. The FIRST of THREE proposed VBL-related products is a wristwatch. It is totally electric, but as of this publication date, it needs to be plugged into a long extention cord. It is good to a depth of 30 feet, just not 30 feet of water.

Exclusive to our watch: one of the clock's hands will indicate whether your
Viking Boat LIft is in the UP position or DOWN.
The ALARM also chimes "Row row row your boat".
Our next brainstorm resulted in an interesting use for the Viking Boat Lift shape. By hollowing it out and adding a spigot, we've managed a functional piece of lovely bathroom hardware. (Note: it has to be welded to the sink).

Lastly, our fearless leader decided that simply by increasing the verticle height of the Viking Boat Lift, he would be able to manufacture a low-cost microwave transmission tower. Our single test site is on a local farmer's field, and aside from the minor problems of it scaring his cows, and it being 300 feet from a local airport, it seems to be a total success.

So far we've sold ____(fill in this blank when we sell one!) to happy customers.