Minimal adornment is easy to accept and the eye seems to appreciate large surfaces and simple lines.
Here are some extreme examples of future automobile shape and structure. Two of these were designed by the same, very famous company. The lower left is on-the-fringe, but most of the concepts for its function have been realized.
Sadly, not all design decisions take into account the visual aspect of the resulting form. Most drivers still want to avoid looking like a joke. The top 'beauty' was made by Messerschmitt, who also designed the Messerschmitt Me 262-A plane, which could have won the war for the Germans.
Motorcycle design has taken off with the use of modern structural materials. Some of these designs give the impression that the creator re-invented the bike from the ground up. Two wheels can be so beautiful.
The wonder of design has pushed the difference between 4 wheels and 2 wheels, toward THREE wheels. The two views at the top are a Dutch invention which leans like a motorcycle. Looks like fun to us.
The bottom left is an example of a type of design called 'Steam Punk'. It is modern technology with an 1800's external character, using lots of brass and tubing.
The final photo is one of many three-wheeled car/bikes in production.
Wonder what they are like to drive? Testdrive a Can-Am Spyder (
Once in a while design goes "over-the-top". It is then difficult to know just what it is you are looking at.
Upper Right: A 3-wheeled car where the single wheel detaches and can be riden as a powered unicycle.
Bottom Middle: A snow motorcycle. (looks mean, doesn't it?)
Great design can energize and excite us. If it is married with function and purpose, it approaches art. Try to match the names below with the photos in the above section, as you enjoy the ride.
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