The Swatch Mercedes art car (SMart)
itself, already has a balloon full of 'cute',
but the body kits that are available
are severely tempting.
What do you think?


~Smaudi A3~


~Smorche Targa~


~Smini Cooper~
or the Micro Mini


~Some North American car~

~Some Foreign car~

You can even get gull-wing doors for it. The accessories are endless.
A little paint and a good amount of imagination and you'll have an eye-grabber, to be sure.

Shaquille O'Neal drives one and he fits in just fine, although I'm bettin' that the roof is down most of the time.

Here's a hint at what impact the SMart is having on the regular household...
We hope you enjoyed this feature. The SMart car is a joy to drive and the "cats-skull" car frame is amazingly strong, as crash tests have shown.